Influence Marketing
Definition: Influence Marketing is lead by social scoring platforms. It consists in observing the reactions to new opinions that appear in new publications, blogs, social media in any specific category or on any particular topic.Characteristics:
- Activists: influencers get involved with their communities, political movements, charities and so on.
- Connected: influencers have large social networks.
- Impact: influencers are looked up to and are trusted by others.
- Active minds: influencers have multiple and diverse interests.
- Trendsetters: influencers tend to be early adopters in markets.
How do you know?
Influencers are naturally connected people who share information, comments about a specific activity, business or location. They belong to a social media community and have an impact on the market and of course the businesses. They are aware of the latest trends and are active memebers of the community.
Influence Marketing vs Traditional Marketing: Traditional Marketing incorporates many forms of advertising and marketing such as: print, broadcast, direct mail and telephone.
Influence Marketing
Traditional Marketing vs Influence Marketing
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